Höhere Wirtschaftlichkeit im Schmelzbetrieb durch moderne Induktionstechnologie

‘Global warming’ and ‘shortage of resources’ are two catchwords that can be found in the newsalmost every day. Environmental protection is a big issue in today’s economy. The laws to protectthe environment are getting stricter and stricter every year. The effi cient use of energy and thechoice of resources is also an important part of this topic for the foundry business. Modern planttechnology helps to handle energy more effi ciently, but also improvements in the process itselfhave to be considered. State-of-the-art induction technology that can be used in both new andolder melting plants facilitates more energy effi ciency, increases plant availability and leadsfi nally to a cost-eff ective melting operation in foundries. New plants off er the advantage thatthey can be planned freely and that state-of-the-art technology can be implemented. So withtoday’s technology, an energy consumption of 550 kWh/t and less can be reached. Upgradingusually entails lower on-site construction costs and considerably fewer licensing procedures,and at least some innovative features of new plants can usually be incorporated.


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